General Knowledge of Turbocharger
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General Knowledge of Turbocharger




11 May 2022
Similarities and differences
The engine and principle of the two turbochargers are basically similar.The turbine side is used to extract energy from the exhaust gas and the compressor side is used to provide pressurized air to the engine. However, the main difference between a diesel and gasoline engine lies in the combustion process.

Diesel combustion
Gasoline is more flammable than diesel.Diesel requires a higher temperature operating environment, but current materials are difficult to support, so diesel engines cannot run at high engine speeds like gasoline engines.

Gasoline Burning
Gasoline does not require a high pressure and high temperature environment to burn. There is a danger of igniting the mixture. So combustion in a gasoline engine is controlled/started by a spark plug and requires a very precise air-fuel mixture to work optimally.


Getting hotter

During the combustion process, the temperature inside a diesel engine is higher than that of a gasoline engine. But the final temperature of the turbocharger is lower than that of the gasoline engine. Generally, diesel exhaust gas is about 800~850℃, and gasoline is about 950~1050℃.It is a significant difference.

Effect on turbo
Thermal differences between the two engine types can also lead to differences in the use of turbocharger materials. Turbochargers for gasoline applications require more advanced materials to withstand high heat load conditions. These turbochargers often use special alloys, including expensive materials such as nickel.

Boost control system
In addition, this temperature difference can lead to differences in applicable technology. While a VG system is preferable from a performance standpoint, it is challenging to ensure its functionality throughout its life cycle in demanding gasoline applications. Cooler diesel applications make the whole system easier.

New technology

The diesel-powered car market has been shrinking since Diesel gate in 2015. And gasoline-powered vehicles need to be more efficient to comply with future regulations. One of the solutions is the VG turbocharger application. The VG system continuously adjusts the turbine operating point during all engine operating points. This ensures that all components are working at their most efficient point, creating an overall efficient engine.

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