General Knowledge of Turbocharger
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General Knowledge of Turbocharger


Warning signs of turbine failure

Warning signs of turbine failure

14 Feb 2023

passenger car Turbocharger is a very important part of the car, it can improve the engine operation, make the car more power, so what is the precursor of turbocharger failure?

  1. Blue smoke will appear when driving or idling. The blue smoke was coming from the car's exhaust pipe, which had a poor seal due to a gap in the turbocharged blade shaft.
  2. The fuel consumption of cars has increased. Because the exhaust gas circulation pipe in the engine is blocked, the exhaust gas can not be discharged smoothly, resulting in increased fuel consumption, not only gasoline consumption is fast, oil consumption is fast.
  3. The engine will make abnormal noise. Because the piston ring and other parts are badly worn, or the parts are aging, the engine will have abnormal sound when running, and the exhaust pipe will appear a lot of blue smoke.
  4. There is abnormal sound when refueling or collecting oil. Due to the rupture of the turbocharger air duct, there will be abnormal sound when refueling or collecting oil. In this case, it is necessary to timely go to the 4S shop for maintenance.

The Refone Group is an international company specializing in the manufacture and quality control of turbochargers and turbine components. If you want to become one of our distributors, please contact us immediately!

Warning signs of turbine failure

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